
Malcolm hails originally from Ewell, England, but lost his accent many years ago as an eight year old's survival strategy in a hostile new world.  At ten, the trombone entered his life and has been a fixture ever since.  Later on, a one year stint in music at Ottawa U informed Malcolm that he was not dedicated (pronounced 'mature') enough to pursue a professional career as a trombonist so moving forward with the vision of a stale taco, fickle fate led to a 30 year career in teaching high school science and math.  Years he mostly enjoyed.

Throughout his teaching years Malcolm found groups to play with.  He began to re-dedicate himself to his art and slowly encouragement from trusted friends led Malcolm to believe he had something to work towards musically.  Gone were the days of 'Don't quit your day job' and in were the days of 'You are good enough to take music seriously'.  As everyone knows, the trombone has the most beautiful sound of any instrument and logic dictates that trombonists should be in super high demand.  Unfortunately, reality bites and a paying gig for a trombonist most often means flipping burgers or freezing in Santa Claus parades.  Enter Malcolm the vocalist.

Singing and whistling are habitual for Malcolm.  Whereas whistling tends to annoy people, singing (in tune) is often well received.  It became clear that a paying musical path would need to involve singing (in tune).   Having grown up listening to melodic pop and big band music, these two styles dominate Malcolm's vocal repertoire.