What's Going On?

What's actually going on !!

Gigs 2024

Ongoing Shows at Seniors Homes (Through the Year)

Feb. 4 SCO (6:30 - 9) at Lavender Grill

Feb. 9/10 Divertimento Orchestra (8pm/3pm) at Woodroffe United United Church

Feb. 18 Grey Jazz Big Band (GJBB) at Busters

Mar. 16 Malcolm Wade Trio (6:30 - 10:30) at Options Lounge (Brookstreet Hotel)

Mar. 22 Wade- Laroche Duo (8:00 - 10:30) at Montgomery Scotch Lounge (Gladstone Ave Location)

April 19, 20 - Ottawa Pops Orchestra - Dominion Chalmers 7:30

April 26, 27 - Div. Orchestra Woodroffe United Church 7:30/8:00

May 4 - NCCB - Riverside United Church 2:00

May 5 - Wildcards - Buster's 2 - 5

June 2nd - Stan Clark Orchestra - Lavender Grill 6:30

June 6th Wade-Laroche Duo at Montgomery Scotch Lounge (Gladstone Ave.)

June 16th Grey Jazz Big Band -Buster's Bar and Grill

June 23rd Stan Clark Orchestra - Rideau Park United Church 1:00

June 23rd Wildcards -Manotick Community Centre 6:30

July 1st - GJBB - Mayor's Breakfast - Cattle Castle 9:00a.m.

July 13th Wade Laroche Duo at Options Lounge (Brookstreet Hotel)

Oct 19th Wade Laroche Duo at Montgomery Scotch Lounge (Gladstone Ave.)

What's going on in my head !!


Here I intend to put forth a bit of myself otherwise not heard.  Like ... when do we stop patting our human race on their collective backs for the amazing things we have learned about the universe?  Things that astound and perplex us.  All in a few hundred years of true investigation.  And in those few hundred years we have engineered machines and methods that allow us to control our immediate environment, to amuse ourselves remotely and to reach out to the stars.  We have also partied hard and made a mess.  What we have gleaned is marvelous. But what of the things we don't yet know!  The things that will allow us to be transported by thought, to places unimagined.  The things we will only discover if we survive long enough to do so.  If we were climbing a mountain, we are not at the peak.  Not even close.  Can we keep climbing and probing without the partiers causing the mountain to collapse?

Or... A sign on a shop door that reads 'back in 5 minutes'.  How does the store clerk know that someone will show up 5 minutes before their return?  

I believe some people's true nature emerges when behind the wheel of a car.  From the safety of their moving castle they feel free to crowd, bully and intimidate.  They, who are god's gift, have the right to drive as close to your bumper as possible even though you are already 15 kph above the speed limit.  They, who are flawless in their driving prowess, weave through highway traffic swearing at all the assholes that can't drive.  They, who are far more important than me, are required to stay in a lane that ends (or better yet, move into it) in order to pass all the people patiently waiting.

I cannot help but be outraged at the sheer selfishness, arrogance and entitlement that overtakes some people when behind the wheel. I am saddened by the thought that people will behave so badly simply because there are no consequences.  Shouldn't we be thoughtful and kind not because we'll be punished if we don't, but because everybody 'wins'.  It doesn't have to be a fight everyday.

My daughter keeps me from going insane about this.  She points out that I can't control other folks actions (although a guided missile would help), but I can let it go.  If I don't, the asshole still exists, unchanged, but I just get angrier.

Question then... When does our capitalist system that feeds the needs of 'ME' realize that we've gone too far.  Too many people think that freedom means they can behave poorly and be rewarded.  All they need is a car's anonymity to prove it.  How messed up is that.

Me again!!   Been musing on getting older.  Remembering how I figured stuff didn't apply to me.  I will die and most of my life is behind me now.  I recall from as early an age as 6 or 7 wondering what it would be like in 2000 when I'd be turning 40.  Now I try to reconcile with the decisions I've made that led me to now.  Better able to identify what I might have done, what I wish I'd done and how unfair it is that we can't try again.  What's with the only living once?  I have not noticed a tremendous change in who I am or what I think.  7, 18, 30, 63 I've been me all along.  I still think other folks know stuff I don't.  I'm trying to sort out how we can possibly exist and how impossible time is.